Author: Anierobi Chioma Christiana
Department: Chemical Engineering
Affiliation: Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka

Power System operation from economic perspective has evolved with postulating numerous methods for optimal system operation. The SCOPF which is formulated as a large scale non-convex optimization problem is becoming the most preferred mode of system operation in modern deregulated power systems as it provides for optimal power flow in cognizance of credible contingency and operational network constraints. This thesis focuses on estimating the optimal generation settings and optimum operational cost in the face of credible line and generator contingencies of a real network: the 41 bus 330KV Nigerian electric network. The generators fuel cost are formulated as an objective function of an optimization problem subject to their real power operational limits and transmission line flow limits at pre- and postcontingency states; solved using Power World simulator which adopts Linear Programming algorithm in solving optimization problems. At pre-contingency, the operational settings and generation cost for the test network were checked at Load Flow, Economic Dispatch and Optimal Power Flow with no system violation recorded. However, Economic Dispatch yielded the least optimal operational cost. The result using SCOPF at credible single line and generator contingency shows a notable variation in the control variable (generator output) and optimal cost of operation.

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